
Does Unit Size Matter In War Warhammer 2

Bullet lzd spawning.png Blest Spawnings, also chosen Special Spawnings are aristocracy units for the Lizardmen, like to the Regiments of Renown of other factions.

Lizardmen received Regiments of Renown from the Prophet and the Warlock update onwards on 17 April 2019.

Overview [ ]

  • A mission for a Blessed Spawning.

    Blessed Spawning units are aristocracy and take higher stats than regular versions of the unit.
  • Blessed Spawnings are not available in multiplayer, merely campaign.
  • In that location is an orange symbol on their unit of measurement card rather than gray (normal units) or purple (Regiments of Renown).
  • Blessed Spawnings only become available to recruit after completing random missions.
  • Multiples of the same Blessed Spawning tin be recruited. For instance, a role player might complete a mission which allows them to recruit 3x Blessed Saurus Warriors (Shields).
  • If they are available, Blessed Spawnings can be recruited immediately for no toll by selecting an ground forces/lord and clicking on the Bullet lzd spawning.png push.
  • Notwithstanding, Blessed Spawnings have an increased upkeep cost compared to a regular unit.
  • If a Blest Spawning unit is destroyed in battle or disbanded, information technology is permanently gone.

List of Blessed Spawning units [ ]

Unit of measurement Category Recruitment Full general Melee Ranged Shield Armor Traits

Blessed Saurus Warriors (Shields)
Blest Saurus Warriors (Shields)

Melee infantry
Tier Iii unit
Icon treasury.png Cost (MP): 0 (900)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 1
Icon income.png Upkeep: 200
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 100
Icon stat health.png Health: 107 (107 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 75
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 29
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: 34
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 16
Resistance fire.png Burn Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Save: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: 34
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Harm: 18
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 1.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: s
Icon stat range.png Melee Attain: 2
Shielded units will block the following percentage of missile damage from the front Shield: 35%

Icon stat armour.png



  • Fatigue immune.png Perfect Vigour: Fifty-fifty when performing the near fatiguing actions, this unit never loses vigour.
  • Hide forest.png Hide (wood): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units become too close.

Blessed Saurus Spears (Shields)
Blest Saurus Spears (Shields)

Melee infantry
Tier III unit
Icon treasury.png Toll (MP): 0 (900)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 1
Icon income.png Budget: 200
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 100
Icon stat health.png Health: 107 (107 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 75
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 24
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: 38
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: ten
Resistance fire.png Fire Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Relieve: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: 29
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: 13
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 0.75
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 4.i due south
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: 2
Modifier icon bonus vs large.png Bonus vs. Large: 16
Shielded units will block the following percentage of missile damage from the front Shield: 35%

Icon stat armour.png



  • Charge reflector vs large.png Charge Defence vs. Large: When bracing, this unit negates the accuse bonus of whatsoever large assailant.
  • Hide forest.png Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

Blessed Temple Guards
Blessed Temple Guards

Melee infantry
Tier IV unit of measurement
Icon treasury.png Price (MP): 0 (1300)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 2
Icon income.png Budget: 300
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 100
Icon stat health.png Wellness: 112 (112 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 85
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 31
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: 38
Icon stat charge bonus.png Accuse Bonus: 28
Resistance fire.png Fire Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Save: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: xiii
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: 29
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 0.75
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 4 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: 2
Modifier icon bonus vs large.png Bonus vs. Large: 16

Icon stat armour.png



  • Charge reflector vs large.png Charge Defence force vs. Large: When bracing, this unit negates the accuse bonus of whatever large attacker.
  • Hide forest.png Hibernate (wood): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

Blessed Skink Skirmishers
Blessed Skink Skirmishers

Missile infantry
Tier II unit of measurement
Icon treasury.png Cost (MP): 0 (500)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 1
Icon income.png Upkeep: 100
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 120
Icon stat health.png Wellness: 50 (50 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 50
Icon stat attack.png Melee Assail: 16
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defense: 14
Icon stat charge bonus.png Accuse Bonus: 8
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 10
Resistance fire.png Burn Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: lxx
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Salvage: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Impairment: 20
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Harm: 5
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 1.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 4.3 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: 1
Icon stat ranged damage.png Missile Damage: half-dozen (6 per volley)
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 2 (2 per volley)
Icon stat ranged damage.png Number of Projectiles: 1
Icon stat ranged damage.png Shots per volley: 1
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: half dozen
Icon stat range.png Range: lxx

Icon stat armour.png



  • Attribute guerrilla deploy.png Vanguard Deployment: This unit of measurement can deploy outside the deployment zone.
  • Hide forest.png Hide (wood): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get also close.
  • Mounted fire move.png Burn Whilst Moving: This unit of measurement can burn when mounted and moving.

Blessed Chameleon Skinks
Blessed Chameleon Skinks

Missile infantry
Tier III unit
Icon treasury.png Price (MP): 0 (700)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: i
Icon income.png Upkeep: 163
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 90
Icon stat health.png Wellness: 57 (57 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 58
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 20
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: 22
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 20
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: x
Resistance fire.png Fire Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Concrete Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 40
Icon stat armour.png Ward Save: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Impairment: 20
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: 5
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: i.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 4.3 southward
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: i
Icon stat ranged damage.png Missile Damage: ix (9 per volley)
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Missile Harm: 3 (iii per volley)
Icon stat ranged damage.png Number of Projectiles: 1
Icon stat ranged damage.png Shots per volley: ane
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 6
Icon stat range.png Range: 80
Shielded units will block the following percentage of missile damage from the front Shield: 30%

Icon stat armour.png



  • Attribute guerrilla deploy.png Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy outside the deployment zone.
  • Mounted fire move.png Fire Whilst Moving: This unit can fire when mounted and moving.
  • Stalk.png Stalk: This unit tin can move subconscious in whatever terrain.

Blessed Cold One Spear-Riders
Blessed Cold 1 Spear-Riders

Melee cavalry
Tier Four unit of measurement
Icon treasury.png Price (MP): 0 (1100)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: ii
Icon income.png Budget: 250
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 48
Icon stat health.png Health: 137 (137 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 75
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 26
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defense: 28
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 32
Resistance fire.png Fire Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Save: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: 14
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: 34
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 0.75
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 4.2 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Accomplish: two
Modifier icon bonus vs large.png Bonus vs. Large: 14
Shielded units will block the following percentage of missile damage from the front Shield: 30%

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Tin Cause Fear: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. Information technology is as well immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack.
  • Hide forest.png Hide (forest): This unit tin can hide in forests until enemy units go too close.

Blessed Horned Ones
Blessed Horned Ones

Melee cavalry
Tier 4 unit of measurement
Icon treasury.png Price (MP): 0 (1600)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: ii
Icon income.png Upkeep: 187
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit of measurement size: 48
Icon stat health.png Wellness: 160 (160 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 85
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 45
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: 31
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 43
Resistance fire.png Fire Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Relieve: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: 19
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Harm: 41
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 1.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: iv.5 southward
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: ii

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Can Cause Fearfulness: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. Information technology is too allowed to fearfulness. Fearfulness penalties practise not stack.
  • Hide forest.png Hide (forest): This unit of measurement tin can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

Blessed Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)
Blessed Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)

Flying missile cavalry
Tier Three unit
Icon treasury.png Toll (MP): 0 (850)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 1
Icon income.png Upkeep: 187
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit of measurement size: 10
Icon stat health.png Health: 406 (406 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 55
Icon stat attack.png Melee Assail: 26
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence force: 22
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 16
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 10
Resistance fire.png Burn down Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 15
Icon stat armour.png Ward Salvage: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: 52
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: xiii
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: ane.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 4 due south
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: 2
Icon stat ranged damage.png Missile Impairment: eleven (Expression error: Unexpected * operator. per volley)
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: four (Expression error: Unexpected * operator. per volley)
Weapon damage.png Explosive Damage: 27
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Explosive Armour-Piercing Damage: 11
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 7.2
Icon stat ammo.png Ammunition: 22
Icon stat range.png Range: fourscore
Modifier icon flaming.png Flaming Attacks: Yes

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Can Cause Fear: This unit of measurement frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do non stack.
  • Attribute guerrilla deploy.png Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy exterior the deployment zone.
  • Mounted fire move.png Fire Whilst Moving: This unit tin fire when mounted and moving.

Blessed Kroxigors
Blessed Kroxigors

Monstrous melee infantry
Tier Iv unit
Icon treasury.png Cost (MP): 0 (1100)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: ii
Icon income.png Upkeep: 260
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit size: 16
Icon stat health.png Health: 566 (566 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 70
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 26
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence force: 26
Icon stat charge bonus.png Accuse Bonus: 42
Resistance fire.png Burn Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: xv
Icon stat armour.png Ward Salvage: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Damage: 25
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: seventy
Modifier icon bonus vs infantry.png Bonus vs. Infantry: 20
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 1.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: three.8 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: 2

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Can Cause Fear: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. It is also immune to fearfulness. Fear penalties do not stack.
  • Hide forest.png Hide (woods): This unit tin can hide in forests until enemy units become too close.

Blessed Carnosaur
Blest Carnosaur

Tier Iv unit
Icon treasury.png Cost (MP): 0 (1700)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 2
Icon income.png Budget: 400
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit of measurement size: one
Icon stat health.png Wellness: 8260 (8260 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 60
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 41
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: xl
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 50
Resistance fire.png Burn Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: l
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: xv
Icon stat armour.png Ward Save: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Harm: 105
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Impairment: 315
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 1.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: three.6 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: 7
Modifier icon bonus vs large.png Bonus vs. Large: 35

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Can Cause Fear: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties practice not stack.
  • Causes terror.png Can Cause Terror: This unit of measurement tin crusade terror, making its melee target rout for a short fourth dimension. Units that crusade terror are immune to terror and fear themselves.
  • - ! - Rampage: When this unit of measurement gets injure it may go on a rampage against nearby enemy units, attacking the closest one and ignoring whatsoever orders given.

Blessed Stegadon
Blessed Stegadon

Tier IV unit
Icon treasury.png Cost (MP): 0 (1550)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 2
Icon income.png Upkeep: 388
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit of measurement size: 5
Icon stat health.png Health: 10538 (10538 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 65
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 30
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defence: 32
Icon stat charge bonus.png Accuse Bonus: 70
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 10
Resistance fire.png Fire Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: 0
Icon stat armour.png Ward Relieve: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Harm: 120
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: 300
Modifier icon bonus vs infantry.png Bonus vs. Infantry: 18
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: 1.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: three.5 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Achieve: 10
Icon stat ranged damage.png Missile Damage: 100 (100 per volley)
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 300 (300 per volley)
Icon stat ranged damage.png Number of Projectiles: ane
Icon stat ranged damage.png Shots per volley: ane
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 12
Icon stat range.png Range: 360

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Tin Crusade Fright: This unit of measurement frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. Information technology is likewise immune to fear. Fear penalties practice not stack.
  • Causes terror.png Can Cause Terror: This unit tin cause terror, making its melee target rout for a curt time. Units that cause terror are immune to terror and fear themselves.
  • Fatigue immune.png Perfect Vigour: Even when performing the most fatiguing deportment, this unit of measurement never loses vigour.

Blessed Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
Blessed Bastiladon (Solar Engine)

Tier IV unit
Icon treasury.png Cost (MP): 0 (1200)
Icon hourglass.png Turns: 2
Icon income.png Upkeep: 275
Icon stat mass.png Weight: Heavy
Icon growth.png Unit of measurement size: four
Icon stat health.png Health: 8675 (8675 per model)
Morale character.png Leadership: 65
Icon stat attack.png Melee Attack: 22
Icon stat defence.png Melee Defense: 28
Icon stat charge bonus.png Charge Bonus: 34
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 10
Resistance fire.png Burn Resistance: 0
Resistance magic.png Magic Resistance: 0
Resistance physical.png Physical Resistance: 0
Resistance missile.png Missile Resistance: fifteen
Icon stat armour.png Ward Salvage: 0
Icon stat damage.png Weapon Harm: xc
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Damage: 160
Modifier icon bonus vs infantry.png Bonus vs. Infantry: 15
Icon explosive damage.png Bonus Mult. vs. Buildings: one.25
Icon stat speed.png Melee Interval: 3.7 s
Icon stat range.png Melee Reach: nine
Icon stat ranged damage.png Missile Impairment: 252 (252 per volley)
Modifier icon armour piercing.png Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 108 (108 per volley)
Icon stat ranged damage.png Number of Projectiles: 1
Icon stat ranged damage.png Shots per volley: one
Icon stat ammo.png Reload Time: 16
Icon stat range.png Range: 240
Modifier icon magical.png Magical Attacks: Yes

Icon stat armour.png



  • Causes fear.png Can Cause Fear: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their Morale character.pngleadership when nearby. It is also immune to fearfulness. Fearfulness penalties do not stack.
  • Causes terror.png Tin Cause Terror: This unit can cause terror, making its melee target rout for a short time. Units that cause terror are allowed to terror and fear themselves.
  • Fatigue immune.png Perfect Vigour: Even when performing the well-nigh fatiguing actions, this unit never loses vigour.

Blessed Spawning quests [ ]

Proper name Objective Reward (only i unit awarded per quest) Description
The Burning Skies of Inhamex Impale 1500 enemies in boxing (15 turns) or

Kill 500 enemies in battle (15 turns)

1 Blessed Carnosaur

1 Blest Saurus Warriors (Shields)

2 Blest Terradon Riders (Fireleech Bolas)

The Sometime Ane who fifty-fifty Slann of the Second Spawning cartel not name aloud is angry! The skies burn down with his wrath; he must be appeased chop-chop, and in doing so he may issue a sacred spawning, whose reptiles will be special indeed...
Sotek'due south Chosen Win 2 battles (xx turns)

Win iii battles (20 turns)

2 Blest Kroxigors

3 Blest Temple Guards

iii Blessed Chameleon Skinks

The snakes migrate in bang-up numbers, a certain sign that Sotek demands action from one of his chosen priests. If they are worthy then their cohort volition be blessed with a sacred spawning.
The Predator'south Heaven Behave out a successful assassination attempt (wound or kill) against the post-obit character: (Lord) (ten turns) 1 Blessed Carnosaur The signs are in the sky; a sacred spawning is imminent, only first Caxuatn, the Predator, must accept his prey.
Messenger of the Gods Raze of sack the following number of settlements: ii-iii (20 turns) 4-half-dozen Blessed Saurus Spears (Shields) The Messenger, Uxmac, will bring word of the Old Ones. The cohorts must be prepared, and if they are, a sacred spawning will be awarded.
Call of Huanchi Ambush and defeat 1 ground forces (15 turns) 3 Blessed Saurus Spears (Shields) This sign of the Jaguar God has been observed in both the basis and in the heaven. Huanchi is on the prowl and and so the cohorts must act. A sacred spawning should come along should the prey be caught.
Sacrifice to Chotec Capture 300 battle captives (20 turns) 3 Blessed Saurus Warriors (Shields) The Solar God is an angry deity - he demands the sacrifice of those who seek to destroy what his servants have built. He will grant a sacred spawning once the tally has been taken.
Portent of Tzcalli Capture 500 battle captives (xiv turns) four Blessed Skink Skirmishers The Lord of Force, the Sometime One, Tzcalli, does not perceive this portent solely equally raw vigour, but recognises economical strength besides. The storms that rage over the gold mines are a sure sign that he requires the cohorts to build their wealth. Should the gold be accrued, a sacred spawning will surely follow.

Strategy [ ]

Although the Blest Spawning quests mentioned "Capture" a sure amount of captives, you don't need to either play as Tehenhauin (Mark Sacrifices) or Eat Captives (as other factions). Y'all can fulfill this mission immediately if you win a battle. No matter what yous do to the post-battle captives, they will exist added to the Blessed Spawning quests' tally.

Hexoatl.png Lizardmen units

Does Unit Size Matter In War Warhammer 2,


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